The International Conference on Naturalism and Its Challenges (ICNIC) will be held, most likely virtually, by the Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP), Tehran.
This three-day conference is organized to provide an international platform for philosophy students, researchers, and academics to share their views on the main themes of the Conference with philosophy experts across the world.
All abstract/paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, research depth, accuracy and relevance to the Conference general themes by the scientific committee. Authors of the accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to present their work in a scheduled session: The presentation time is approx. 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute Q & A session, which creates a forum for discussing and receiving constructive comments on the presented work. The committee reserves the right to schedule accepted abstracts to fit space and time constraints. The number of oral presentations by authors is limited.
By the consult of the scientific committee, the selected full papers presented at the ICNIC Conference will be published, as Post-Conference Proceedings, by IRIP Publishing. As the proceedings of the Conference will be submitted to the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), the papers that will be published in the proceedings will also be indexed in ISC.
The accepted extended abstracts will appear in the News Letter of the Conference and the Conference Abstract Notebook.